Under the supervision of our experts, we pack your goods as per the nature of the item and using the best quality appropriate packaging material. Swift are committed towards providing the best packing and moving services in the country. In our endeavor towards proving the best in class packing and moving services, we take care in using premium quality packing materials. Depending upon the object, we use wrapping papers, wooden boxes, cartons, etc. We ensure that the objects that are entrusted with us, are handled with utmost care and reaches their destination safely. We have a team of people who are specially employed to check the safety and the security of all the goods that are entrusted with us. We specialize in offering safe and secure packing services at the most cost effective rates.
Swift is much capable for managing total logistics solution for handling Project Cargo which requires experienced, dedicated and skilled personnel who are committed to resolve the problems professionally if arises in extra ordinary circumstances and thus we have the sense of knowledge to 'make things happen'. We offers Project Cargo Services which include planning, port feasibility studies, conceptual design of port and other maritime transport projects, trade and traffic forecasts, financing strategies. For the execution of these services out of the box thinking is required in order to create and implement effective solutions.
Express Delivery Company is a name to reckon with when it comes to efficient Cargo Shipping Services and Courier Services. As Service Provider, we are catering to the needs of many establishments in the country and across the world from more than 18 years. We understand more than anybody the need for security
As part of our door-to-door service, we offer custom clearance for import shipments into Dubai. We have a full-fledged clearing department to process documentation and co-ordinate transportation. EDI facilities linked to Dubai Customs enables us to expedite clearance of shipments and provide a professional handling for our customer's merchandize. We will take care of all the essential documents, get them prepared and act as an interface between our Customers and the Customs. We are able to provide hassle free and quick custom clearing services for clients engaged in imports as well as exports.
Swift consists of a team of highly experienced individuals who are well versed in all the aspects of Break-Bulk and Odd Dimensional Cargo (ODC) cargo. With tenacious stevedoring partners located in key transport hubs around the world, Swift has close relationships with leading ship owners, operators, co-brokers throughout the world and are able to best possible space in vessels while dramatically reducing costs whilst providing reliable cargo transportation.
Track courier is a multi-courier tracking service provider that allows you to track the delivery status of your package in real-time. To use this service, you need to have the tracking number of your package, which is usually provided by the courier company when you place the order.
Electronic invoicing offers an alternative. Managing invoices electronically enables organizations to streamline this universal business function. With e-invoicing, suppliers can automatically generate and send invoices to customers in a structured digital format, and customers can automate the processing and payment of those invoices.
paperless office (or paper-free office) is a work environment in which the use of paper is eliminated or greatly reduced. This is done by converting documents and other papers into digital form, a process known as digitization. Proponents claim that "going paperless" can save money, boost productivity, save space, make documentation and information sharing easier, keep personal information more secure.
Customs brokers are the individuals trained and licensed to facilitate international shipping allowance without a hitch. Potential 'hitches' facing importers are both plentiful and costly, so careful consideration regarding who manages customs brokerage for your commodities is critical.
In this case, the landed cost is the total of all these additional expenses and fees. The landed cost is calculated per unit and reflects the total cost of each unit instead of the entire shipment. The unit can be defined as per the individual products, volume, and weight of the item.
Tariff Concessions System. Tariff Concession Orders (TCOs) are an Australian Government revenue concession that exists where there are no known Australian manufacturers of goods that are substitutable for imported goods. In order to claim a TCO in accordance with the Australian law, your imported goods must:
A duty drawback is the reimbursement of excise or import taxes paid on exported goods. This reimbursement may be partial or complete based on how much the merchant paid to offset the import charge, including import duties, registration taxes, and any other refundable expense.
Antidumping and countervailing duties are designed to compensate for the value of dumping and/or subsidization, thereby leveling the playing field for domestic industries that have been harmed by unfairly traded imports. Contrary to popular belief, anti-dumping duty is not the same as a countervailing duty.
The C88 otherwise known as a Single Administrative Document (SAD) refers to a form that is used to prove permission. This is to import or export for the destination country. On the other hand, an E2 (Import Entry Acceptance Advice) displays every successful submission of an import entry.
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